Relocating a Very Special Nest
The Songbird team recently helped a super sweet couple downsize into an apartment at Middleton. Among the special items that we lovingly packed to move to their new home were several beautiful bird nests.
One was under a glass cloche. Another was still tenuously attached to the dried beanstalks that were intricately woven into the nest.
And the last nest had a note tucked in the bottom yellowed with age that read: “When your day is touched by nature, it’s also touched by wonder. Your connection to nature makes you bigger and smaller all at once.”

Reading this message in the nest made me pause and smile.
Finding a nest is considered good luck. Nests represent life, love, family, commitment, and most of all: home.
Nests are symbolic to us here at Songbird Transitions and are represented in our logo and our tagline: “Relocate your nest”.
While it was neat to have the opportunity to *literally* relocate so many bird nests what was most rewarding was to hear the couple say to me, as they gazed at their new downsized space, “it feels like home.”